
Local makes a difference..

Local Butternut Squash

As you may know already, especially if you read my blog often I am super passionate about utilizing local ingredients and supporting out local farms. This year I discovered Nourse Farm in Westborough, MA. Since then, all of the produce I use for my services is sourced from there. The photos above are russet potato …

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Apple Picking

German Apple Spice Cake

Last weekend some friends and I went to Honey Pot Hill in Massachusetts and it was so incredibly fun! It was cloudy day and we assumed it would be a quick day with not a lot of people. We were very wrong! Cloudy or sunny Honey Pot hill is packed and with good reason. The …

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Midtown, Manhattan NY

Van Gough - The Starry Night

Ahh New York… This past weekend I had the amazing experience of going to the unofficial (yet definitely official) capitol of the world, New York. In an amazing city full of people and I mean full (about 62.8 million visitors a year, just visitors!) it is easy to feel compelled with its majesty and yet …

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